Build a Piece
Add Piece Authentication
Piece Authentication
Activepieces supports multiple forms of authentication, you can check those forms here
Now, let’s establish authentication for this piece, which necessitates the inclusion of an API Key in the headers.
Modify src/index.ts
file to add authentication,
import { PieceAuth, createPiece } from '@activepieces/pieces-framework';
export const gelatoAuth = PieceAuth.SecretText({
displayName: 'API Key',
required: true,
description: 'Please use **test-key** as value for API Key',
export const gelato = createPiece({
displayName: 'Gelato',
logoUrl: '',
auth: gelatoAuth,
authors: [],
actions: [],
triggers: [],
Use the value test-key as the API key when testing actions or triggers for Gelato.