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Ultimate Guide: Automating LinkedIn Updates with New WordPress Posts


Ever wondered how to streamline your content distribution? Saving time while reaching out to your professional network is key. πŸ—οΈ

When you post a new article on WordPress, it's a total drag to manually share that update on LinkedIn.

Well, good news pals. This guide will show you how to automate this process; saving you time and ensuring your LinkedIn network never misses a fresh blog post from your site!

Essentials to Hook Up WordPress with LinkedIn

Alright, in order to automate the sharing of new WordPress posts on LinkedIn, you're gonna need a tad more than just grit and determination. Here are some tools you gotta have in your kit:

  • An Activepieces account: It's where we'll cook up this automation magic.
  • A WordPress account: Obviously, right? This is where your new posts are coming from.
  • A LinkedIn account: Where else will you share your fresh-off-the-press posts?

Get 'em all lined up and let's get the ball rolling!

Steps to automate sharing new WordPress posts on LinkedIn

Step 1: Copy the WordPress + LinkedIn template

Kick things off by copying this template on Activepieces. It's your lethal weapon in automating new WordPress post shares on LinkedIn.

When you copy the template, it'll ask if you want to sign up or log into your Activepieces account. Once that's done, the template will be copied into your account as a customizable flow. Neat, huh?

Step 2: Understand the WordPress + LinkedIn automation structure

automation structure

Once the automation template is snug in your account, it'll appear as a ready flow on your screen.

First up, the trigger. This baby is what starts the whole machine running. In this case, it's set to fire up when there's a new WordPress post ready to roll.

Next down the line is the 'Create Share Update' step. This one's all hooked up with LinkedIn to make sure your fresh blog post gets the attention it deserves.

Step 3: Configure your WordPress and LinkedIn flow

Now that you've got the lay of the land, it's time to fiddle with a few settings to make sure everything runs smooth as butter.

Setting up the 'New Post' trigger:

Click on the 'New Post' trigger and check out the WordPress Feed URL. If you're happy with the default URL, leave it be. But if you've got a different URL in mind, go ahead and sub it in. Click on 'Load data' to generate some sample data from the feed. This way you can ensure the link works and that the next steps in your flow have some data to work with during testing.

Configuring the 'Create Share Update' step:

Click on the 'Create Share Update' step. You'll need to add a new connection here. Just click on '+ New Connection' to connect your LinkedIn account. Make sure to follow the on-screen instructions to a tee.

And voila! You're halfway through setting up the automation of your dreams. Now, take a deep breath, and hit 'Publish'. Your WordPress + LinkedIn automation is now live and kicking!

Just remember to keep your LinkedIn account close at hand. Remember, with great automation comes great engagement!

Other Automation Ideas for Wordpress

Automation Ideas for Wordpress

Idea 1: When New Post in Wordpress, Send an Email Using the Email Sender Service

You know that feeling when you hit 'publish' on your latest WordPress post and then dread manually emailing it to your list? Say bye-bye to that nightmare! With Activepieces, you can automatically send an email every time you publish a new post.

Here's the skinny: Set up a new flow in Activepieces with 'New Post' in Wordpress as the trigger. Then set 'Send an Email' via Email Sender service as the action. Boom! Your new post is now instantly popping up in inboxes. And guess what? This same magic can be done with SMTP and SendGrid too. Talk about saving time and sanity!

Idea 2: When New Post in Wordpress, Create a Document in Google Docs

Ever wished there was a way to have a backup of all your WordPress posts in one place? Or wanted an easy way to track and organize all your posts? Look no further! Activepieces has got your back and it's as easy as pie.

Here's the deets: Create a new flow on Activepieces. The trigger is 'New Post' in WordPress and the action is 'Create a Document' in Google Docs. Simple as that! Now every time you publish a new post, a Google Doc is automatically created. This same cool trick can work with Dropbox, OneDrive, and Box too! Now go out there and start automating like a boss!